

September 2013

Denver at Night

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need talented, enthusiastic, passionate Videographer/Photographer???


I’m seeking creative WORK?!?!?!? I currently am employed 40 hours a week, as well as go to school for 12, and in the wee time in between I take pictures. I love where I work now more then ever, but would love to be able to support myself through photography to not only eventually create full time, but to do what I truly love and am passionate about! I feel if more people did that in the world, then not only would people be happy, but the products and media we present as a society would be better for it too. So if you know of any magazines, blogs, businesses, artist, musicians, couples, friends or family who need a talented, dedicated, enthusiastic, photographer/videographer please pass my message along. Thank You, Ben


Denver Street Art #18


Thriftworks/Lapalux/Nosaj Thing



favorite new street art find in Denver, from Brooklyn, Swoon. IMG_8276IMG_8277IMG_8278IMG_8279

Denver Abstract Architecture

“lost coast”

going through my Lightroom library and noticing some pictures i skipped from my trip to NorCal last month…



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